{How to Download?} | {How to Get Password?}
Open some mig33 register pages using Sjboy emulator and fill up the registration field in all pages. Enter same mobile number in all pages. Before clicking 'SUBMIT' Option, hold or pause your Gprs connection in your Pc. When Gprs will be held click 'SUBMIT' option in all mig u have opend, after that resume your Gprs so that all mig request for code at a same time. In a few seconds you will get sms containing code for different Ids. Thus you would be able to register more Ids from same sim. You can open 20-40 migs in Sjboy or how many Ids you want at the same time. It dosent mean that these Ids will register but you would be able to register few of them. - Source: Internet
Shuffled Posts:
Register Many IDs from 1 Simcard: Posted by: Staffs
PcMig33 | Thursday, March 25, 2010
based on 54321 ratings.
5 user reviews.