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Edit Your Profile Script

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Edit Your Profile Script

* Set Large Profile Pic
* Change Profile Color
* Set Room Link
* Bold & Italic Text

To modify Profile script:
1. Click on the desired script
2. Change all '[' into '<' and all ']' into '>'. After making the change, copy and paste in the Modification text box. And Click Modificated Now.

* You can use the given color codes.

To set large picture:
1. Go to wap.mig33.com
2. Login with your id
3. Go to Profile > Edit Profile > Photos Page > More Actions (of your desired picture)
4. Set as Profile Picture
5. Now in your address bar you will get a code like


6. Copy only this coloured part from address bar


7. Paste it in 'Set a big picture' box and will be like...


8. Now click Set a big picture

Use this given tool to perform these tricks. Go to BBStore from menu first...
Password: www.pcmig33.com


You can also Make Your Profile coloured and much more in an easy way using

MigStore v1.0
[ Password: www.pcmig33.com ]

1. Copy only this imgid coloured part from address bar


2. Paste it in the text box and press Change button

For more colour code visit this PAGE

More details:
*To change the background color, coloring can wear the color code. Color codes can be found in different websites.
<body bgcolor="FF0000">

*To change the font size to large

To change the font to be bold

*To add a hyperlink in your profile
<a href =link">link name </a>

Example: To add the link of a chatroom to ur profile
ddea9c824b884ecbb5cbed6f8682be7c"> <body bgcolor="FF69B4"> <a href="mig33:joinChatroom(uk-l0nd3n)"> <uk-l0nd3n> </a> <big> <?

changeMake your profile coloured n much more [Working] profile decorate edit profile color colour html script

Shuffled Posts:
    Edit Your Profile Script: Posted by: Staffs
    PcMig33 | Monday, September 27, 2010
    Rating: 100% based on 54321 ratings. 5 user reviews.

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    MigMe Messengers
    MigWar Chat v4.6
    Sockmix Messenger v5.9 Mig33 Messenger v5.2.3.1

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