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To set large picture:
1. Go to wap.mig33.com
2. Login with your id
3. Go to Profile > Edit Profile > Photos Page > More Actions (of your desired picture)
4. Set as Profile Picture
5. Now in your address bar you will get a code like
6. Copy only this coloured part from address bar
7. Paste it in 'Set a big picture' box and will be like...
8. Now click Set a big picture
Use this given tool to perform these tricks. Go to BBStore from menu first...
2. Paste it in the text box and press Change button
For more colour code visit this PAGE
More details:
*To change the background color, coloring can wear the color code. Color codes can be found in different websites.
<body bgcolor="FF0000">
*To change the font size to large
To change the font to be bold
*To add a hyperlink in your profile
<a href =link">link name </a>
Example: To add the link of a chatroom to ur profile
ddea9c824b884ecbb5cbed6f8682be7c"> <body bgcolor="FF69B4"> <a href="mig33:joinChatroom(uk-l0nd3n)"> <uk-l0nd3n> </a> <big> <?
Shuffled Posts:
Edit Your Profile Script: Posted by: Staffs
PcMig33 | Monday, September 27, 2010
based on 54321 ratings.
5 user reviews.
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