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Remote PC Controller v1.1-= speaker.the.lord =-
You can control your computer from mobile. Just write the given commands from help option.
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Download the missing supporting files from HERE.RPC v1.1 by speaker.the.lord Remote Pc Controller v1.1 by speaker.the.lord Remote Pc Controller V1.1 cracked full free version Remote Pc Controller v1.1 by lord_arif RPC v1.1 by lord_arif Remote Pc Controller V1.1 By ---LORD_ARIF--- RPC BY v1.1 ---LORD_ARIF--- RPC BY v1.1 Remote pc controlling mechine..... You can control your computer from mobile. Just write the given commands from help option.... :) Happy controlling Your computer. Itz v1.1 , previous version wasn't published because it was just a demo version.. Thanks a lot to them who are using the software..
Remote PC Controller v1.1 {mix}: Posted by: Staffs
PcMig33 |
Friday, September 23, 2011
based on
54321 ratings.
5 user reviews.
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