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Bull3t f0r My V4l3nt1n3 v1.2(cracked version)-= pliiijl =-
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Download the missing supporting files from HERE.6 types of dc code dice, one, rr, hot, rps, wolf, trivia, bollyvia bot flood auto count flood with bullet speed boom flood delay auto get list delay save 3x5 = 15 set multi unlimited multi login login array auto/manual kick room list game on/off bullet flood 1 spy and 5 flooder login random emot change flood with bullet speed auto enter add+pvt bom auto text send auto bot flood manual set changer quick passchang ban all ping ip pvt flood unlimited multi save in per set save and load 4 set brutal bullet id status room chat knock out bot manual interval set presence call error auto detect gc key manual interval+delay unlimited multi login set presence login unlimited id ping ip check balance auto enter run 8 set multi at a time combo mood call error protect list manual interval+delay bug fixed no run time error multy chat (unlimited multi in per set) room list touch kick login arrey brutal brutal kick no need old password super first brutal protect list feature no run time error text send roll multi will auto leave group chat auto text send flood with bullet speed in gc add bom unlimited auto getlist brutal kick manual interval/delay ping ip edit your flood roll kick manual interval 300 socket login kick all ping ip enter left roll gc flooder delay 3 set unlimited login at 1 time no run time error login array unlimited pass changer manual interval room spy unlimited id login 6 types emot flood manual interval unban all auto ip detect 12 id login stylish flood roll kick/quick kill auto bom roller flood feature quick set changer change multi status spy id login auto/manula flood start emot change flood with bullet speed in gc pvt bom spy id login one bot flooder my v4l3nt1n3 room delay admin bot flood roll with bot message list kick call bom no runtime error it's demo l3ull3t_for_myv4l3nt1n3v1.2_by_ip5 l3ull3t for myv4l3nt1n3 v1.2 by ip5 full free cracked original version bullet for my valentine v1.2 l3ull3t for my v4l3nt1n3 v1.2 bull3t f0r my v4l3nt1n3 v1.2 2.00 guruzgang.com dipu_red_eyes bull3t for myv4l3nt1n3 v1.2 by ip5 bull3t f0r m4 v4l3nt1n3 v1.2 kill3rz community invisible enter 6 types of abuse brutal target list unlimited id save auto detect gc key send text manualy auto save previous settings send text manualy with bullet speed in gc 1 flooder and 1 inviter login auto count flood with bullet speed in gc ping ip
Bull3t f0r My V4l3nt1n3 v1.2 (cracked) {kick, flood, admin/moderator, mix}: Posted by: Staffs
PcMig33 |
Thursday, November 17, 2011
based on
54321 ratings.
5 user reviews.
2 Your Comment:
what is the password of this??
Double Click on the Downloaded exe file, you will get an id. Contact with that id to purchase the tool and get the password.
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