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PPL Power Public Shooter

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Mig33 [p3s] PPL Power Public Shooter by mjridoy5
[click on the image to enlarge]

PPL Power Public Shooter
(free version)
-= mjridoy5 =-

* 20 ids login
* Show id sn number
* Id credit show
* Id level show
* Easy multi load/save
* Anytime credit check
* Check id room or not
* Multi ids chat data display in listview
* See whats happening in room in multi ids listview status column
* One click enter all ids
* One click leave all ids
* Single id enter
* Single id leave
* Blacklist
* Whitelist
* Multi auto chat
* Own chat delay
* Own chat text
* Spy chat
* Chat in webbrowser
* Update last entered, kicked, vote start
* Auto leave on spy kick start
* Auto activity of spy
* Tray icon notifications
* P3s classic shot
* P3s classic roll shoot
* P3s silent shoot
* P3s silent roll shoot
* P3s private boom [3 text in one click]
* Send text in room by click
* 320 continuous flood
* No hidden text on flood & boom
* Own flood delay
* Send text before kick
* Userlist touch kick
* Userlist touch send in target box
* Auto vote kick
* Auto enter
* Detect silence
* Detect lock
* Auto kick if anyone enter
* Auto leave own multy on kick start
* Hide multi from room userlist
* Hide whitelist
* Auto kick on blacklist enter
* Safe whitelist from kick and vote
* Room getlist
* Little user scanner
* Scan country level friends and member since
* Extra user finder
* Admin room spy [exclusive]
* Unlimited rooms for admin spy
* One click join in one room
* One click leave all room
* Save admins spy chats in text file
* Auto activity of admin room spy
* Save rooms for spy permanently
Shuffled Posts:
    PPL Power Public Shooter: Posted by: Staffs
    PcMig33 | Monday, August 05, 2013
    Rating: 100% based on 54321 ratings. 5 user reviews.

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    MigMe Messengers
    MigWar Chat v4.6
    Sockmix Messenger v5.9 Mig33 Messenger v5.2.3.1

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