Mig33 Utility Explorar
-= mjridoy5 =-
# Basic Software Functions:
* Maximum 2000 ids load and mig33 login
* Own gateway, port, login delay
* Spy id mig33 login
* Spy id alive
* Multi ids alive`
* Spy id details
* Get ids level, credit, mobile number after login
* Migalerts
* Active balance header
* Sn numbers
* Show every error detail
* Load id count
* Log id count
* Status bar for moderate functions
* Helping section for help
* Advance taskmanager for software functions
* Minimize in tray
* Make clone of software
* Advance system for checking update
# Multi groups joiner:
* Mig33 multi groups join
* Mig33 multi groups join delay 7 sec per id
# Multi Emotications Buyer:
* V4 emotication buy
* Old pack emotication buy
* Buy emotication by code [any emot pack] buy in great speed (net also must be great)
# Avatar Maker:
* Male avatar
* Female avatar
* Extra jeans pant
* Extra jeans jacket
* Great speed (net also must be great)
# GroupChat Gifter:
* Own groupchat gift
* Own groupchat gifting delay
* Update balance after sending gift
* Notification after getting groupchat key
* Auto spy leave groupchat (on/off)
* Display credit over error
# Password & SQ Management:
* Mig33 password changer
* Sq changer with question code method
* Sq set for new ids
* Great speed for changing (net also must be great)
# Public Fighting Options:
* Public room kicking (15 ids)
* All id enter/leave/send text
* Mig33 single id enter/leave/send text
* Pop on single id text send
* 2 types of bullet kick
* Roll kick
* Text before starting kick (temporary disabled)
* Auto vote when kick start (on/off)
# Multi Flood Functions:
* Text flood
* Dc flood
* Random text flood
* Enter/leave roll
* Roll flood
* Dc roll
* Random text roll
* Flood with aec
* Own delays
* Load emotications, dc codes, random text from text file
# Online Bot Functions:
* Mig33 multi act as bot
* Always alive
* 2 chatrooms for chatting
* 1 room silent park
* No hidden/default rooms
* Auto chat
* Auto status
* Auto private chat
* Auto blogpost (10+ lvl)
* Auto avatar comment (5+ lvl)
* Own delay for all functions
# Avatar Voter, Liker, Footprint:
* Mig33 avatar voter
* Spy id get voting link
* Profile like
* Own like delay
* Footprint
* Footprint delay 3 second (default)
# Mail Sender, Abuser, Private Boom:
* Mig33 multi emails sender (not boomer)
* Send email to any contact
* Great speed for sending mail (net also must be great)
* Abuse reporting by multi (risky)
* Private boomer
* 3 texts boom
# How to Use:
* Your first work is to login Spy ID. You have to login Spy ID to get Gc key for Gift boom and Uid/Bid for Avatar Vote.
* Double click on ListView of Multi to load your multi ids text file from anywhere in your computer.
* To get gc key for gift boom at first log the spy id. Then invite him in gc. ID will auto leave gc if option is marked.
* You can buy any emotication pack by pack code. But for paid emotication pack you must be have Credit in Account.
* Multi bot functions delay depend on per ID. It means if Chat delay is: 1000 then chatting delay between per id is 1 second.
* It means if you log 60 id then last id will give text after 59 second.
* Public kicker function will work with first 15 IDs. So if you want kicking option then dont log id more or less then 15.
* All the delays are in Milisecond. [1000 milisecond = 1 second]. In private boom all ids will give text 3 time in private.
* Before avatar vote you have to get Uid/Bid/Voting Link. Click get bid/uid Button to get this items. Spy must be logged.
* In Flood text Section if you don't wanna make style then directly Type text on right side TextBox.
Mig33 Utility Explorar: Posted by: Staffs
PcMig33 |
Sunday, December 22, 2013
based on
54321 ratings.
5 user reviews.
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