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Spy Game-= nanank_la =-
A tool for Lowcard
----------Features:----------* 2 Login IDs* 3 x 1 Save Load* Login Status* Spy Game* Send Text [enter room]
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Download the missing supporting files from HERE.nanank_la Indramayu Spy Game by nanank_la full free version mig33 game tool lowcard tool low card winner * If you would prefer to stay on now maen Spy Game room names [not to enter] ** Meanwhile, if you want to send ordinary text to room must enter room **Jika mau maen Spy Game tinggal masukin nama room [jangan enter] Kegunaan aplikasi ini sebenarnya sama saja dengan aplikasi lain nya namun kali ini menggunakan spy, maksudnya main game dari luar room, ini bertujuan jika kita terkena reconect maka kita tidak keluar dari game sehingga setelah selesai reconect kita tetap bisa lanjutkan game nih ss nya The usefulness of this application is the same with its other applications, but this time using a spy, I mean play the game from outside the room, these aims if we are exposed reconect then we are not out of the game so it after reconect we can still continue the game its ya ss **Sedangkan kalau mau send text biasa ke room mesti enter room
Spy Game: Posted by: Staffs
PcMig33 |
Friday, July 22, 2011
based on
54321 ratings.
5 user reviews.
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